Moushumi Sharmin, PhD
She/Her/Hers, Associate Professor & Graduate Program Advisor
You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one...
Recent and Upcoming News and Events:
- I presented "Towards Understanding the Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities Pertaining to Assessment Techniques for Autistic College Students in Computing" at CompSAC 2024, Osaka, Japan.
- Shameem presented "Emotion Recognition Technology for People With Autism: A Systematic Literature Review" at CompSAC 2024, Osaka, Japan.
- I received a Certificate of Appreciation from the IEEE Computer Society for my role as Program Chairs in Chief (PCIC) for IEEE CompSAC. I served in this role from 2022-2024.
- I received the prestigious Arlan Norman Award for Excellence in Student Mentoring (Graduate Students) in 2024.
- Two of our papers were accepted as full papers at IEEE CompSAC 2024.
- I presented a workshop titled "Stronger Together: Power in Access, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" at the 2023 NCCWSL (NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR STUDENT WOMEN LEADERS), University of Maryland, College Park.
- Our paper titled “Monday Feels Like Friday!”-Towards Overcoming Anxiety and Stress of Autistic Young Adults During Times of Isolation was accepted at iConference 2023.
- I served on the International Fellowship review panel for American Association of University Women (AAUW). Felt so humbled to learn about the amazing women who will be the leaders of a better world.
- I am serving as one of the Program Chairs in Chief for IEEE CompSAC, 2023.
Talks on Autism
- Shameem and I gave a talk on Autism and Scientifically Proven Interventions and Services for Autism on Saniya Rahman Autism Blog on March 5th, 2022. This is targeted towards a Bangla-speaking audience.
- I gave a talk on IEP on Jan 30, 2022 on মায়ার আলিঙ্গন. This talk was for Bangla Speaking non-technical, non-academic audience.
- I gave a talk on ABA Therapy and Autism (in Bangla), Feb 6th on মায়ার আলিঙ্গন. This talk was for Bangla Speaking non-technical, non-academic audience.
- Shameem and I presented a virtual talk about Autism and Technology, Nov 12th, on Sanya Rahman Autism Vlog. This platform has 17000+ members who are parents or caregivers of children with autism. This was for Bangla Speaking audience. L
- I participated in a discussion related to Autism, Misconceptions, and Nutrition, Nov 1st, on NutriTalk - an online program.
- Shameem and I presented a virtual talk about Autism, Family, and Technology, Sep 12, 2020. This was for Bangla Speaking audience.
Past Events
- Attended GHC 2022 virtually.
- From NEAT Research Lab, we submitted two full papers to CHI 2023. 🤞
- Jamey Albert presented "To Aid Emotion Expression for Non-Verbal Autistic Individuals, In an App, Less (Features) is More (Better)" at UbiComp, 2022, Sep 11.
- Jamey Albert received the prestigious Jarvis Memorial Summer Research Award at the College of Science and Engineering, WWU!
- I presented "Constrained Life in a Multifarious Environment-A Closer Look at the Lives of Autistic College Students" at CHI 2022.
- Attended CHI 2022 (virtually), April 2022.
- Attended Virtual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing as the chair of Human-Computer Interaction Track, GHC 2021, Sep 27-Oct 1st.
- Anais Dawson won the outstanding graduate student award, 2021. Congratulations Anais!!!!
Research Interests:
Mobile Health (mHealth), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Interactive Visualization, Autism, Affective Computing
Recent Publications:
Journal and Conference Publications
(sorted chronologically) * indicates co-first-authors
- Sharmin, M., Archer, J, Heffelman, A., Graves, E., Elglaly, Y. N., and Ahmed, S. Towards Understanding the Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities Pertaining to Assessment Techniques for Autistic College Students in Computing, IEEE CompSAC, 2024.
- Bogush∗, D., Costello∗, C, Fong, E., Sharmin, M. and Ahmed, S. Emotion Recognition Technology for People With Autism: A Systematic Literature Review, IEEE CompSAC, 2024.
- Palma R, Lam HC, Shrivastava A, Karlinsey E, Nguyen K, Deol P, Sharmin M, Ahmed S. “Monday Feels Like Friday!”-Towards Overcoming Anxiety and Stress of Autistic Young Adults During Times of Isolation. Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity: 18th International Conference, iConference 2023, Virtual Event, March 13–17, 2023, Proceedings, Part II 2023 Mar 10 (pp. 286-305). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Ahmed, S., Hossain, M. M., Pragner, C., Kimball, M., Shrivastava, A., Gildner, J., McCulloch, S., and Sharmin, M. Constrained Life in a Multifarious Environment - A Closer Look at the Lives of Autistic College Students, CHI 2022
- Dawson A, Ahmed S, Sharmin M, Deneke W. Lessons Learned from the Design and Evaluation of InterViewR: A Mixed-Reality Based Interview Training Simulation Platform for Individuals with Autism. In2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) 2022 Jun 27 (pp. 1324-1330). IEEE.
- Islam, T., Liang, P. W., Sweeney, F., Pragner, C., Thiagarajan, J., Sharmin, M. and Ahmed, S. College Life is Hard! - Shedding Light on Stress Prediction for Autistic College Students using Data-Driven Analysis. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2021.
- McCulloch, S., Gildner, J., Hoefel, B., Cervantes, G., Ahmed, S. and Sharmin, M. Visualization as a Tool to Understand the Experience of College Students with Autism. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2021.
- Sweeney, F. and Sharmin, M. Investigating Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Use Habits and Contexts. 32ND Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI), Dec 2-4th, 2020.
- Weber, T., Ferrin, M., Sweeney, F., Ahmed, S. and Sharmin, M. Towards Identifying the Optimal Timing for Near Real-Time Smoking Interventions Using Commercial Wearable Devices. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 429-438, 2020.
- Ahmed, S*., Deneke, W.*, Mai, V., Veneruso, A., Stepita, M., Dawson, A., Hoefel, B., Claeys, G., Lam, N., and Sharmin, M. InterViewR: A Mixed-Reality Based Interview Training Simulation Platform for Individuals with Autism. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 439-448, 2020.
- Hridi, AP.*, Ahmed, S.*, Abeer, IA., Saha, A., Sinha, A., Hossain, MS., Ahmed, N., and Sharmin, M. Understanding the Educational Landscape of Children with Autism in Bangladesh. International Conference on Information (iConference).Springer, Cham. 441-455, 2020.
- Ahmed, S., Hossain, MF, Price, K., Pranger, C., Hossain, MM., Sharmin, M. A Tale of the Social-Side of ASD, IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 644-652, 2019.
- Hossain, M. M., Sharmin, M. and Ahmed, S. Bangladesh Emergency Services: A Mobile Application to Provide 911-Like Service in Bangladesh, ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (ACM COMPASS), 2018.
- Sharmin, M.*, Hossain, M.M.*, Saha, A., Das, M., Maxwell, M. and Ahmed, S., 2018, April. From Research to Practice: Informing the Design of Autism Support Smart Technology. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 102). ACM.
- Polack, P. J., Chen, S-T., Kahng, M., Barbaro, K. D., Basole, R., Sharmin, M. and Chau, D. H. Chronodes: Interactive Multi-focus Exploration of Event Sequences, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS), 2018.
- Sharmin, M., Weber, T., Sarker, H., Saleheen, N., Kumar, S., Ahmed, S., and al'Absi, M. Opportunities and Challenges in Designing Participant-Centric Smoking Cessation System, IEEE COMPSAC, 2017.
- Hossain, M. M., Sharmin, M. and Ahmed, S. Understanding the Feasibility of a Location-Aware Mobile-Based 911-like Emergency Service in Bangladesh, IEEE COMPSAC, 2017.
- Sarker, H., Tyburski, M., Rahman, M. M., Hovsepian, K., Sharmin, M. et al. Finding Significant Stress Episodes in a Discontinuous Time Series of Rapidly Varying Mobile Sensor Data, ACM CHI, 4489-4501, 2016.
- Sharmin, M., Raij, A., Epstien, D., Nahum-Shani, I., Beck, G., Vadhuri, S., Preston, K., and Kumar, S. Visualization of Time-Series Sensor Data to Inform the Design of Just-In-Time Adaptive Stress Interventions,ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015).
- Ahmed, S. and Sharmin, M. Why do mobile phone-based smoking cessation interventions struggle and how can we make them more effective?, ACM iConference, 2015.
- Kumar, S., Abowd, G., Abraham, W., al’Absi, M., Beck, J.G., Chau, D.H., Condie, T., Conroy, D.E., Ertin, E., Estrin, D., Ganesan, D., Lam, C., Marlin, B., Marsh, C.B., Murphy, S.A., Nahum-Shani, I., Patrick, K., Rehg, J.,Sharmin, M., Shetty, V., Sim, I., Spring, B., Srivastava, M., Wetter, D. (2015). Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K), Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Peer Reviewed Posters and Extended Abstracts
(partial list, sorted chronologically)
- Albert, J., Koronthály, D., Dobesh, S., Nasim, Z, Khan, I., Ahmed, S., and Sharmin, M. To Aid Emotion Expression for Non-Verbal Autistic Individuals, In an App, Less (Features) is More (Better), UbiComp 2022.
- Dawson, A., Ahmed, S., Sharmin, M., and Deneke, W. InterViewR: A Mixed-Reality Based Interview Training Simulation Platform for Individuals with Autism Poster, GHC 2020.
- Fox, E., Baden, S., Greene, J., Ziegler, N., and Sharmin, M. Connection: Assisting Neurodiverse Individuals in Forming Lasting Relationships Through a Digital Medium. The 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 633-635, 2019.
- McCulloch, S., Hoefel, B., Gildner, J., Ahmed, S. and Sharmin, M. Towards Understanding the Life of Neurodiverse College Students Through Visualization, IEEE VIS, 2019.
- Sweeney, F., Weber, T. and Sharmin, M. Predicting Smoking Urges from Biometric Markers, Grace Hopper Conference (GHC) 2019. (Selected to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition).
- Fox, E. R., Baden, S. and Sharmin, M. Connections: A Systematic Analysis on People with ASD and How to Improve Their Isolation with Technologies, Grace Hopper Conference (GHC) 2019.
- Puchko, A., Henning, M., Jang, C., and Sharmin, M. LapseAnalyzer: A Web-based Visual Analytics Tool for Aiding Smoking Cessation, Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), 2018. (Selected as a participant in the ACM Student Research Competition (ACM SRC)).
- Johnson, C., Ahmed, S., and Sharmin, M. Connection: An Autism-Friendly Inclusive Dating App, Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), 2018.
- Weber, T., Ahmed, S., and Sharmin, M. Opportunities and Challenges in Designing Participant-Centric Smoking Cessation Systems, Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), 2017. Runner Up in ACM Student Research Competition (ACM SRC) and Recipient of Outstanding Undergraduate Poster, Western Scholars Week, 2017.
- Hossain, MM., Bowen, S., Mooneyham, J., Sharmin, M., and Ahmed, S. NAAP: A Prevention Strategy Using Mobile App and Wearable Devices, Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), 2017. (Selected as a participant in the ACM Student Research Competition (ACM SRC))
- Fang, D., Hohman, F., Polack, P., Sarker, H., Kahng, M., Sharmin, M., al'Absi, M., Chau, D H. mHealth Visual Discovery Dashboard, ACM UbiComp 2017, 237-240.
- Ahmed, N., Ahmed, S., and Sharmin, M. Appropriation and Influence of Facebook in Young Adults in Bangladesh, Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), 2017
- Polack, P. J., Chen, S-T., Kahng, M., Sharmin, M., and Chau, D. H. TimeStitch: Interactive Multi-focus Cohort Discovery and Comparison, IEEE VIS, 2015.