Michael Koepp, MBA



I’m a software engineer with 22 years of software development experience and have worked on a wide variety of software applications. As well as crafting software, I have taught computer science, electrical engineering, statistics, and economics courses for 17 years. I have been actively involved with not only teaching, but also with course development, and with instituting new courses that better address a student's needs for today’s workplace. I’m very interested in embedded systems programming, TCP/IP networking applications, and microcontroller application programming. 

Educational & Professional Experience

June 1992 
Western Washington University 
Bellingham, Washington 

B.S. Electrical Engineering                                                                                  
May 1985 
Colorado State University 
Fort Collins, Colorado 

Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Instructor 
Seattle Pacific University 
Seattle, Washington 

Software Engineer 
Alpha Technologies 
Bellingham, Washington 
June 2012 - February 2017 

Computer Science Instructor 
Whatcom Community College 
Bellingham, Washington 
September 2000 - June 2012