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Department of Computer Science
Initiative for Cybersecurity and Privacy
Academic Programs
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Certificate
Cybersecurity Minor
Cybersecurity Events
Cybersecurity Lecture Series
Student Resources
Cybersecurity News
Faculty Directory
WWU Cybersecurity Advisory Board
Cyber Range Poulsbo
BS in Cybersecurity Application
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
By completing and submitting this form, you are certifying that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.
WWU Location You Are Applying To
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WWU Admissions Application Status
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In Progress
Cybersecurity applicants must also complete a
WWU Admissions Application (opens in new window).
What quarter do you intend to start at WWU?
Approved Transfer Degree
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Bates Technical College: AAS or AAS-T in Cybersecurity
Bellingham Technical College: AAS-T Computer Networking Articulation to WWU Cybersecurity B.S.
Cascadia College: AAS-T in IT Infrastructure Operations
Clark College: AAT in Network Technologies
Edmonds College: ATA in Cyber Defense and Digital Forensics or ATA in Network Technology and Administration
Green River College: AAS-T in Cybersecurity and Networking
Highline College: AAS in Network Security or AAS in Digital Forensics & Investigations or AAS in Cybersecurity Operations
Lake Washington Institute of Technology: AAS-T in Computer Security and Network Technology
North Seattle College: AAS in Network & Server Administration
Olympic College: AAS-T in Information Technology- Security
Peninsula College: AAS-T in Cybersecurity and Computer Forensics
Pierce College: AAS in Networking Engineering and Cybersecurity
Renton Technical College: AAS-T in Cloud Network Technology or AAS-T in Cybersecurity Analyst
South Puget Sound Community College: AAS in Cybersecurity and Network Administration
Whatcom Community College: AAS-T in Cybersecurity
Current Cumulative GPA
Transfer Degree Status
- Select -
In Progress
What quarter do you expect to complete your transfer degree?
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): ENGL&101, CS142, CS143, and MATH&151. What is the completion status of these four classes?
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In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): MATH&151, CSCI&141, CSCI 143. What is the completion status of these three classes?
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In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): IT-CS 142, IT-CS 143, and MATH&151. What is the completion status of these three classes?
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In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): CS&141, CS142, and MATH&151. What is the completion status of these three classes?
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In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): MATH&151; CS&131/CS132 or CS122/CS123. What is the completion status of these three classes?
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In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): ENGL&101, MATH&151, CS&141, SOFT 144. What is the completion status of these four classes?
- Select -
In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): MATH&151; ENGL&101; CS 115; CS&131 or CS&141; CS 132 or CS 142. What is the completion status of these five classes?
- Select -
In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): MATH&151, CSC 142, CSC 143. What is the completion status of these three classes?
- Select -
In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): MATH&151, CS&141, and CS 202. What is the completion status of these three classes?
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In Progress
Eligibility into this program requires the completion of the following additional classes (or equivalent classes): MATH&151, CSE 121, and CSE 222. What is the completion status of these three classes?
- Select -
In Progress
List the classes you still need to complete for your transfer degree, and the quarter you intend to take each of these classes (include the current quarter).
Statement of Purpose
Please explain why you wish to obtain a B.S. in Cybersecurity, and how this relates to your career interest. (not to exceed 250 words)
Letter of Reference
Applicants must submit a Letter of Reference (faculty preferred), which can be uploaded here or e-mailed to
One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
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